Low Libido/Low Sex Drive

Low Libido/Low Sex Drive

In today's fast-paced society, the increasing incidence of low libido in females is a worry that necessitates sensitive and thorough treatments. Dr. Erande recognizes the need to offer comprehensive therapy for this illness, assuring women's complete well-being. Low libido may negatively influence one's quality of life, and seeking expert assistance is the first step toward recovering a happy personal life.

What is the female libido for?

"Libido" is a frequently used phrase to describe the sex drive or desire that is directly connected to the androgen, testosterone, in both men and women.

The female libido can be defined as a psychophysical energy that stimulates the desire to have sexual intercourse. A lack of female libido can be linked to several factors. The decline in female sexual desire can have both pathological and psychological causes. Let's explore together with the experts how to deal with the lack of desire in women.

What Are the Symptoms of Female Libido Deficiency?

When it comes to the absence of female libido, several symptoms come to the forefront:

  • Reduction in the frequency and intensity of the sex drive.
  • Scarcity or absence of sexual fantasies.
  • Diminished interest in sexual activities.
  • Experience of vaginal dryness, leading to inadequate lubrication.

For comprehensive support addressing these concerns, meet Dr. Erande at our clinic in Pune. With a wealth of expertise in women's health, Dr. Erande offers personalized solutions to rekindle your vitality and well-being. Through a holistic approach, we strive to restore your sexual health and overall satisfaction.

What Causes a Lack of Female Libido?

A lack of female libido can occur in some particular moments of a woman's life, even for no significant reason.

Its peak is estimated at around 35 years of age, but it is linked to hormonal factors: in fact, with menopause, due to reduced production of estrogens, there can be a decrease in female desire and, therefore, in libido (but this does not apply to all) , as well as in the postpartum period and during breastfeeding. In women, a decrease in sexual desire can also occur in the first months after a pregnancy, in which the body must slowly recover.

Decreased sexual desire can also depend on numerous chronic diseases, such as uremia, liver failure, various tumors, or neurological causes (e.g., diabetes, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord dysfunction).

The female libido is also closely linked to the affective and psychological sphere and increases or decreases according to it.

Therefore, the causes of a decrease in female libido can be physical and psychological.

Dr. Erande, at our clinic in India, understands these multifaceted aspects of female libido. With expertise in hormonal health and psychological well-being, Dr. Erande provides comprehensive care to address the physical and emotional contributors to declining libido.

How Is the Decline in Female Sexual Desire Diagnosed and Treated?

Low female sexual desire is diagnosed through the patient's history and description of the disorder to her doctor, who will be able to indicate the most suitable Low libido female treatment path. If, during sexual intercourse, the woman experiences pain during penetration, she too will proceed with a gynecological examination.

Based on the triggering cause, a specific therapy will be combined. For example, if the cause is psychological, psychotherapy can stimulate the woman to work on self-awareness through a cognitive-behavioral path that promotes excitement, or you can think of couple therapy.

If the cause is pharmacological, the specialist can evaluate its suspension. Or, if the woman suffers from particular hormonal dysfunctions, Ayurvedic medicine and counseling, as well as improving her mood, can stimulate her libido.

There are many effective treatments to cure the decrease in female sexual desire: consult a specialist to find the most suitable treatment path for you. For instance, Dr. Erande specializes in tailoring treatments to individual needs. Book a consultation with Dr. Erande today and explore personalized Low libido female treatment options that suit your unique needs in Mumbai. Rediscover your desire and vitality.


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