

What is dyspareunia?

Dyspareunia is persistent or intermittent pain in the genital area or abdomen associated with sexual intercourse. The intensity of pain can vary from minor discomfort to severe pain when sexual activity becomes impossible. Dyspareunia can lead to sexual frustration, fear of relationships, a desire to avoid sexual contact, and even depression. That is why it is so important to find the cause of dyspareunia in time and eliminate it.

If you experience pain during intercourse, visit Dr. Erande’s Clinic in Pune and Mumbai, India, for a complete diagnosis and Treatment for dyspareunia. To do this, just sign up for a consultation with our experts!

What are the different types of dyspareunia?

Depending on the factors that cause dyspareunia, organic, psychogenic, and mixed forms are distinguished.

  • Organic dyspareunia occurs as a result of infectious-inflammatory, cicatricial, atrophic, traumatic, tumor, and dishormonal pathological processes of the urogenital area but is not associated with sexual behavior disorders.
  • Psychogenic dyspareunia is an independent sexual dysfunction and may be a reflection of an unconscious conflict, a manifestation of anxiety disorders, phobias, and sexual perversions. Among patients, there are two types of psychogenic dyspareunia: intrapersonal (type I) and interpersonal (type II). With type I sexual dysfunction, women indicate the presence of traumatic experiences in the past, feelings of guilt, deceit, or painful birth trauma. Patients of type II have problems in relationships with a partner in the present, resulting in dyspareunia.
  • Mixed dyspareunia combines a primarily developed organic form with psychogenic factors that have accumulated on it, which determine the perception of pain and the sexual behavior of a woman.

If dyspareunia occurs from the very beginning of sexual activity, they speak of its primary form, but if pathological symptoms appear after a period of normal sexual reactions and sensations, then this violation is considered secondary. According to the localization of painful sensations, superficial (in the area of the external genital organs and the entrance to the vagina) and deep dyspareunia (in the pelvic area) are distinguished.

How is dyspareunia caused and diagnosed?

To establish the etiology of the disease, several methods are used at once:

  • gynecological examination;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • lab tests;
  • consultations with a sexologist and psychologist.

An important role in the formation of dyspareunia is played by the constitutional features of the body and personal character traits. Organic causes of the disease are closely related to malformations of the vagina. Often, the pathology is based on infectious diseases identified during the examination (vulvitis, colpitis, herpes virus, etc.). Sometimes, discomfort during intercourse occurs due to surgery or postpartum complications. Other factors in the development of pain during sex are psychological prerequisites due to negative past sexual experiences.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

Pain and discomfort, as well as a burning sensation with dyspareunia, are more often observed:

  • during the period of sexual arousal;
  • during the act of penis-vagina penetration;
  • during frictions;
  • after completion of sexual intercourse.

Each woman describes the arising feelings of discomfort differently, complaining of pain, itching, burning, or tingling. The severity of sensations often varies from mild to severe pain, which is difficult to tolerate. Usually, patients can clearly indicate the localization of pain and the dependence of the manifestation of symptoms on the sexual position or situation.

How is dyspareunia treated?

The specialists of our clinic offer an accurate diagnosis and Treatment for dyspareunia and identify its causes. When the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment of organic dyspareunia is carried out by specialists at Dr. Erande’s Clinic in Pune and Mumbai, India. Taking into account the identified etiological factors, drug therapy (anti-inflammatory, Anxiolytic, local anesthetics), gynecological massage, and physiotherapy are prescribed. According to indications, surgical intervention is Advised (correction of anatomical defects, vaginoplasty, dissection of the fibrous hymen, removal of genital warts, removal of Bartholin gland cysts, etc.). If necessary, an appropriate method of contraception is selected.

In the treatment of psychogenic dyspareunia, individual and couple psychotherapy, psychocorrection of a married couple, body-oriented therapy, auto-training, and sex therapy can be used.

What are the causes of dyspareunia in mens?

The causes for which dyspareunia appears in man vary and can have three origins: anatomical, inflammatory, or psychological.

Anatomical causes

Phimosis: It is about the narrowness of the foreskin, which sometimes makes it difficult to retract or move it. This pathology produces chronic inflammation with scarring of the foreskin.

Short bridle: During the sexual act, when the frenulum is too short, the movement of the foreskin is limited, which can cause tearing during intercourse accompanied by slight pain.

Peyronie's disease: In addition to producing curvature and pain in the penis, the disease can lead to erectile dysfunction. Its origin is almost unknown, but it is known that there is a close relationship with other diseases that cause fibrous tissue to grow in other parts of the body.

Inflammatory or infectious causes

Another of the points to highlight as causes of origin of dyspareunia are those derived from bacterial infections (E.coli Bacteria), sexually transmitted diseases ( chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.), and also from urethritis or epididymitis that cause inflammation in the urethra and epididymis respectively. All these disorders must be treated and consulted with a specialist.

Psychological causes

The lack of arousal during intercourse, especially when it occurs without preparation (preliminaries), the lack of good sexual education, emotional problems, or have lived through traumatic experiences of assault or sexual violence are some of the emotional causes that can derive from this pathology. Like female dyspareunia, when any organic cause does not cause pain, sex therapy is a really effective treatment for couples where issues such as guilt or internal conflicts are addressed.

There are also other types of causes that cause pain in male sexual relations:

  • Lack of male lubrication during sexual intercourse.
  • Allergic reaction to latex of woman's condom or diaphragm.
  • Contact with the intrauterine device.
  • Use of certain spermicides.
  • Vigorous pressure on a sensitive urethra.

Can dyspareunia be prevented?

The best way to prevent it is to provide good sexual education, avoiding infections and STDs. As a fundamental recommendation, the review carried out by a specialist doctor like our Dr. Erande will be the first step to treating the problem.

Regarding sexual relations, it is also possible to take into account some aspects:

  • Take some time for the preliminary games that allow you to reach a state of excitement and achieve adequate lubrication.
  • There are more favorable sexual positions when it comes to controlling penetration.
  • Avoid deep penetration.
  • Use lubricants, especially if the woman suffers from vaginal dryness.

What can Dr. Erande do for you?

Do you have symptoms or simply want to speak to a specialist for medical advice in India? With Dr. Erande, get tailored Male Dyspareunia Treatment plans to address both physical and psychological aspects, ensuring comprehensive and personalized care. Regain confidence and enjoy a fulfilling, pain-free relationship.

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